domenica 7 dicembre 2008

Love or science?

Friday, 8th August 2008

This essay will speak about love, about its relation with the human nature, in particular with the female and male nature, in order to understand the difference of the supernatural essence of love, articulated in the human nature, with its male and female differences.
I believe that nature of god is love, as a synonym of life. Life and love conform the nature of God that is responsible of existence of Nature and of the Human essence, and love is part of our ability to understand the essence of life, and even the essence of reality. Even that intellectual and crude reality that we usually call science.
The modern society is driven by science and technological improvements because they deeply and effectively change our day by day life. And we deeply forgot that we are not science, we are not just walking brains, and the universe is not a creation of human intellect.
Like city lights cover the stars, giving us the impression that the human sphere is all that exists in the universe, science - with the lights of technology improvements - is covering us the essence of the human being and of the mechanism of human comprehension that is not just a plain analytical process.
We should deeply understand the nature of love, in its intellectual an emotional sense, and its role in science and reality comprehension in order to change the direction of the world, the ethical direction of it, and the meaning of science itself. We have leaved just to religions and professional theologians, most part of them priests, the faculty to say something about life, love and its relation with universe and god. And religions are not telling us all the truth, that is much more deeper and complicated than that, because they are too worried to save the intellectual property of religion itself. In other words, they are too worried to survive the competion with modernity.
So, science neglects God as a subject of research (why?) and religions neglect science, like in the catholic vision, as adapt to understand the nature of God.
I think that rationality and life’s love, should work together in the day by day life. In this specific historical moment, in the last century and half, rationality overwhelmed our real comprehension of life, avoiding us to understand the real meaning of our mecanims of comprehension of reality and actions. I think that factuality has replaced the natural sense of things: the human, deep, natural sense of reality that is not made by facts, but by human emotions, deeply eradicated in the human nature. Humans are made by irrational material, because life is irrational, in its very sense. In the Tomistic sense: Life is "incircumscriptibilis". Because everything arise from its essence and the essence of things is not rational.
And love is part of this.

Ethics. Why?

Anyone can be in the peculiar situation to desire to talk about ethics, being not in an ethical position at all.
So why talking about it ? Why and when should I supposed to be allowed to talk about it?
May I avoid the topic, for a sort of decent respect of the moral?
I am not sure that coherence is a prerequisite. Otherwise, S.Augustin would have never wrote about ethics at all, being a generous sinner in himself[1], neither Aristotle should have wrote the Nicomachean Etichs as his lifestyle was so far away from our concept of modern ethics. We do not consider slavery an ethical behavior, for example.
But surely if you are not ethical you are not plausible. You do not want to be taught about anything by someone that is not self able to practice it.
That’s a point.
But no one can practice ethics and be always coherent with it. No one is pure.
“You who are without sin, cast the first stone”, said Christ.
No one casted it, the day Christ pronounced it.
Why? Why being ethical is so difficult?
No one can be always morally ethical in every situation, and more embarrassing than that, anyone can appear totally unethical, exactly when he is just trying to being it. Why?
Who will be authorized to speak about ethics when no one is really able to be ethical.
The answer is that Ethic is a topic about incoherence, and not about coherence.
You are authorized to speak about something you know, if you know it really and deeply, and you can affirm to know ethics if you had really faced the difficulty of being ethical and if you have lived the incoherence of practice it in real cases.
That is why we consider “The Confessions” of S.Augustin, who is a self declared sinner, a masterpiece and a fundamental stone of the Christian ethics from more the 16 centuries, for example.
So let us face the problem, what is Ethic?
[1] Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo. (Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet) Conf., VIII. vii (17). S.Augustin.

Ethics in a very short definition.

There are different definitions of Ethic depending on the vision of philosophers, and on the research area of definition. We can not even think to shortly expose every specific opinion, because every philosopher had said something about ethics as part of his theoretical architecture; many theologians exposed elegant theories about ethics; and many refined intellectuals covered this topic too. In the latter case, you can think of A.Dante or L.Tolstoj for example, or some of the politicians writers like N.Machiavelli or A.Tocqueville that spoke of ethic applied to the society and to the organization of the state, in short to the policy category. An unexhausted ocean of ethics thinkers face us.
There are also different areas of research. For example the meta-ethics, that is a branch of epistemology, also called Analytic Philosophy. G.E.Moore, B.Russell, L. Wittgenstein, and G. Frege, are considered the most reknown founders of this tradition.
Apart from the logical approach, Ethic also pertains to the study of the moral apparatus. What is good, what is happiness, what are their relation with the human nature, which relations exists between mankind, the universe, and God in moral sense. And, of course, almost all the philosophers spoke about it.
We can mention the vision of Aristotle that said the realization (the becaming actual: entelechy) of the potential nature is the root of happiness, or the vision of Socrates that correlated knowledge with virtue, and virtue with happiness. Or the vision of Epicurus that (contrary to common beliefs) considered the summum bonum, the greatest good, prudence exercised through moderation and caution.
We will not examine the articulated and sophisticated vision of Essence of S.Thomas Aquinas, that defined the identity of unitas-veritas-bonum with essence, and its different grades, responsible of the different quality of truth and goodness of the essence, and of its distance from the summum bonum.
But many others definitions of ethics exists, and a very deep knowledge of moral ethic, more superior than mine, will be necessary in order to expose and explain them exactly and accurately.
I do not want to go into a deeply sophisticated exposition of the moral philosophy, I just want to expose some points about ethic from the applied point of view. Applied ethics attempts to relate ethical theories to real-life situations. For example, the issue of abortion can be seen as an applied ethical topic.
In particular I want to examine the ethic of the human relations between men and women, in that particular field that is generally called love. The ethic of love, and the difference that are present in the natural vision that men and women have about love relations, that are obviously or probably connected with the difference existing between the man and woman nature.
So we are going to speak about the difference of perception of love between men and women, if it is essential or accidental.
Ethic will be the instrument of measure of love. Or maybe it will not.
As we will see, love will face us with the contradiction of being a human.
And we will see that love is a way to understand reality.

(Intro - S.Pinardi)

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